Mentoring Out of the Box: StocKar Derby Kit
This kit includes a four week curriculum and supplies designed for building (10) derby cars. Your mentors will help the 6 to 13 year old boys design build the cars for a StocKar Derby.

CSB Ministries makes shoulder to shoulder discipleship easy with Mentoring Out of the Box! Our Stockar Derby Leaders Guide provides instructions and coordination for an action packed project to help men and boys enjoy time together learning about integrity. Applications from related Bible passages are included for each of the four suggested group gatherings. Included are a complete set of supplies for 10 boys and their dads/mentors. (Dads are urged to be there for their sons but other reliable men are welcome to participate). Some assembly required in the project, creating the perfect opportunity for men and boys to spend time together working on Stockar Derby car kits through four activity times.
The kit includes a four week curriculum and supplies designed for building (10) car kits. Your mentors will help the 6 to 13 year old boys build the always popular cars for a StocKar Derby. Look for other resources of equipment locally which will help you conduct a derby race, such as borrowing the use of a track and timing/scoring system. This kind of derby equipment is readily available for purchase at a price from suppliers online.
You will receive a box filled with:
- 1 StocKar Derby 10 Pack (521256)
- 1 StocKar Derby Book (521311 I)
- 1 StocKar Derby Leader Guide (351305)
- 1 Leader’s Racing Hat (521200)
- 10 StocKar Derby Outpost Adventure Books (351305)
- 10 Handheld Racing Flags (521210)
- 10 StocKar Derby Logo Stickers
- 10 StocKar Derby Participant Certificates (323615 I)
- 10 StocKar Derby Mini Posters (333413 I)
- 10 StocKar Outpost Adventure Patches (252406)
- 1 Mentoring Out of the Box Game Plan Kit